Friday, June 8, 2007

Julia Niemi - June 7 in France

Today, I woke up at 6:30 and was looking forward to going to seeing everyone, since I had been sick the day before. Unfortunatly, I was still sick, so I was not able to go with everyone. My french mother decided she would take me to the doctor. I watched a few movies (Ghost, The Family Man, and 4 Weddings and a Funeral) before going to the doctor. The doctor's office was different than mine back home. It was a lot smaller. When I went into the exam room, it looked more like a business office. It had a desk and a computer. The doctor decided that it was just a small stomach bug from being in France. He prescribed me a few different medicines. I then went to the phamacy. The French call this the Chemist. The pharmacy was just a pharmacy. (The pharmacy I go to in America is attached to Eckerds). I then went home and slept for a little, to try to regain some energy. I was feeling a lot better, so I went to the party at Alex's (Max's exchange student) house. People played soccer, danced, and ate all night. It was really nice to see all of my friends again, because I missed them. Ms. Jones and Mrs. Walden stopped by the party for a few minutes, to see how everyone was doing. ChloƩ and I left and went home, because we were both tired.

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