Monday, June 4, 2007

T’Sani Watson - June 3 in France

Throughout the week all of the French kids have been shopping for Mother’s Day presents because today is Mother’s Day. Coincidentally, today was also Delphine’s sixteenth birthday. Delphine is my French exchange student. This morning we had a small breakfast because we all slept in this morning. For lunch, Delphine, I and, Delphine’s mom went to Delphine’s grandparents house for a traditional French lunch. The first course was a salad which was followed by bread and foie gras ( a type of pâté). The main course was steak and potatoes. For dessert we ate a raspberry and strawberry tiramisu that Delphine’s grandmother had made. Once we had finished eating Delphine and her mother opened their gifts. Then, at about two o’clock, Delphine and I left her grandparents house and went to Fantasy Forest to meet up with some of the other students who participating in the exchange. Fantasy Forest is a high ropes course in France. It was tiring but, a lot of fun. We were having so much fun that we didn’t want to leave. We stayed there until it closed at 6:30. Then I returned to Delphine’s house to unwind for the day and prepare for school tomorrow.

T’Sani Watson

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