Monday, May 28, 2007

Alexander Stuart - May 28 in France

Its always good to start off living somewhere new by having a good time. Today was our first full day in France and Tours for that matter and it could not have been better. I started off the day by awaking at 11 o-clock. I then enjoyed a few hours of down time and good food before the day ran into full swing. David and I went to a beautiful park in downtown Tours and visited with other American students from Cary Academy and their French hosts. We engaged in intense games of soccer and American football. I noticed that the French kids were quite skilled in the arts of athletics. Of course we knew they were great at soccer but they also were quite good at American football. After a few hours of fun at the park I went on a walking excursion through Tours to the house of another exchange student. After enjoying fantastic French pastries the American students and French students enjoyed card games and video games together. David and I then headed back to his house where I enjoyed a fantastic dinner of pork, chicken, and Chinese noodles. It was absolutely delicious. It truly was an exciting fun filled day and I look forward to many more here in France.

Alexander Stuart

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