Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blythe Friedman - May 31 in France

Today the day started off with a trip to a bakery called the "vieux four". They specialized in the making of the bread. we learned all about the different types of flour, as well as how they make all the different types. After we learned about how they made it we got to taste the different types. They were all really good but his award winning bread was a favorite among many. After we finished tasting the different types of bread we had some free time zhere most of us went to the mall and shopped. After the mall we all returned to the school to have lunch with our friends and students. After that we had a class on WWII. We were lectured on the subject and then watched a movie. Then class was dismissed, however most of our students still had class so a group of Americans were craving some "american" food, so we walked across the street to McDonalds. We were all extremly happy to have a little qmerican food in our stomachs. Despite the weather it was a fun day for us all.

-Blythe Friedman

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