Monday, May 28, 2007

Cameron's Journal - May 27 in France

We all arrived at the airport around 11:45 to check our baggage in. After an exchange of goodbyes we made our way to the gate. The first trip lasted about an hour and 30 minutes which seems very short after the second 8 hour trip from New York's JFK to France. We all made it to France, luggage included, and we boarded a bus which would take us to Tours. The landscape on the trip was beautiful. Nonetheless, most used the bus ride to catch up on much needed sleep. Arriving an hour early in Tours we were welcomed by our exchange students and their parents. Because of the time difference, it was morning in France. In fact I'm still not sure what time it is. Upon returning to Maud-Sophie's, my exchange student, home I was allowed to unpack before lunch. After a rather large, but very good lunch I finished unpacking and couldn't stay awake any longer. Later that day I ate dinner with my family and watched the French film Les Chevaliers Du Ciel with Maud-Sophie's younger brother. I was surprised that dusk here did not occur until about 10:00. It was a tiring but very interesting day.

Cameron Bumgarner

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